The vision of Soma Community is to reach, educate, provide resources for, and offer a sense of spiritual community to the gay and lesbian Christian. We see the virtual environment as being a potentially powerful medium for proclaiming the truth, the love, and the establishing the growth of the entire community of faith. Thank you for joining us. Please feel free to take a moment and learn about the community.
For the Glory of God: focused, prepared, and living in Hope
Contact us concerning a Union Ceremony, Baptism, Personalized Bible Studies, and receiving our newsletter!
Statement of Faith
"We believing in one God Almighty, maker of the world, and His Son,crucified under Pontius Pilate, where he suffered died, and was buried; He rose the third day, taken again into heaven, set at the right hand of the Father; He will come again to judge the living and the dead. He has sent from the Father the Holy Ghost, to govern believers through restoration of the flesh."
Request for Resources and Information
If you would like to contact our home office, interested in more information, request for prayer, or to get a follow-up phone call, please feel free to submit your e-mail using this link.
Soma Community Ministries