Christian Lesbian and Gay resources from the Other side
Here is a site where you can check out what's out on the shelves, look on line at their "on line store", or browse the latest article of "The Other Side" Magazine. Copy this link and insert it into your url, then click "go" on your browser. It has a decent array of links to the books and articles referenced. The Other Side Resource Page.
Sources of Hope
Sources of Hope strives to fill an underserved market for lesbians and gays and their friends and family. We offer a broad range of books dealing with homosexuality & Christianity, lesbian/gay relationships, and books that help individuals in the coming out process whether it is coming out to self or to family or friends, or at work. We expect to add to these areas as more and more books are published. Sources of Hope Page.
Religion Is a Queer Thing
A Guide to the Christian Faith for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered People This book makes queer theology available and accessible to a general audience and encourages the reader to become part of the ongoing development of this theology. It is a study guide which can be used by groups and by individuals, and contains exercises and liturgies as well as explanations of queer theology. Subjects covered include the Bible, salvation, Christ, body theology, God, the Church, death and ethics.
Suggested Reading Materials - This list is mostly Christian, to inspire you, regardless of its faith's origin, in your spiritual journey as a Christian.
Is The Homosexual my neighbor?
There are now many books on this subject which should be required reading for anyone who holds the traditional beliefs that homosexuality is an abomination in God's sight. Just as slavery was condoned for centuries based on people's interpretation of the Bible, just as the Crusades were fought in the name of God, just as Christ was crucified because people misunderstood Him and misinterpreted the Scripture, so too the topic of homosexuality has been misunderstood.
What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality
Daniel A. Helminiak, respected theologian and Roman Catholic priest, explains in a clear fashion the fascinating new insights of these scholars. The Bible has been used to justify slavery, inquisitions, apartheid and the subjugation of women, Now read what the Bible really says about homosexuality!
Openly Gay Openly Christian
Using evangelical tools, such as Strong's Concordance, the author explores the verses traditionally believed to be gay bashing passages. He finds that theses verses in their original languages hold no condemnation for the modern gay Christian. Rev. Kader's pastoral and personal insights make this pioneering book a must read for all gay people of Christian belief. by Rev. Samuel KaderRev
Stranger At The Gate: To Be Gay And Christian In America - Mel White
"Stranger At The Gate" is more than a unique coming-out story. It is a chilling expose that goes into the secret meetings and hidden agendas of the religious right. It is a warning about where the politics of hate may lead America.