What Do You Believe?
In our faith, as Christians, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Many find the concept of God dying to rescue us from sin incomprehensible. Soma is going to review over the next few months the significance of Christ's death. What do you think?
Why Did Christ Have to Die?
Couldn't He have accomplished more by living a full and happy life? Think of the people He could have healed, the teaching He could have done, the problems He could have solved. Why was He obsessed with dying? Why didn't He defend Himself in court for the sake of His family, His disciples, and all who admired Him? This booklet, compiled by our staff of writers, takes a look at the reasons given in the Bible why Christ planned and allowed His own death. -- Martin R. De Haan II, president of RBC Ministries.
The Symbol...
Can you imagine what public reaction would be if a fundamentalist religious group adopted an electric chair as its symbol? Think of what it would be like to see an image of an electric chair on top of their meeting places or as jewelry hanging around their necks.
Yet that's what the cross amounts to. The cross was a means of capital punishment. Crucifixion was the way the Romans put their worst criminals to death. It was horrible--far worse than a gas chamber, firing squad, or even a hangman's noose.
Why, then, do Christians make so much of this instrument of public ridicule and torture? Why are Christians obsessed with this symbol of death? Do they realize what they are doing?
In many cases, the answer seems to be no. Even Christians fail to realize the implications of the cross. It has become so widely used as religious jewelry, as a symbol of love and hope, and even as a sign of good luck that it has lost much of its original meaning and horror. It has become so generally accepted, in fact, that everyone from devoted followers of Christ to atheists wear its image around their necks.
Share your thoughts with us
Why did Christ need to die? Or, if you aren't yet convinced that he did, tell us why not.
Pastor Percy
We welcome suggestions for future topics. Send us an e-mail!
Soma Community Ministries
Study based from RBC Ministries
©1991 RBC Ministries--Grand Rapids, MI 49555